34 Weeks!

34 Weeks down....Only 6 more to go! At my appointment this week, we learned that everything is still going well and progressing normally. I measured 2 inches bigger than last week although I lost 2 pounds! Baby's heart rate is excellent, although he still has not turned into position. The nurse told me that now is a good time to start having happy turning thoughts. I have been working a lot trying to wrap everything up prior to my maternity leave. Patrick has also been working a lot, practicing and conditioning with the team, getting ready for the fall tournaments and another great season. We have also continued to prepare for Jack's arrival...buying diapers, binkies, bottles, etc. We also enlisted the pediatrician that will make sure that he is in good working order upon his birthday. I am starting to feel a little more uncomfortable...hopefully it has just been a bad couple of days...not sleeping, swelling feet and terrible indigestion. It will all be worth it for sure when we meet our little Jack!

33 Weeks!

Yes...I have made it to 33 Weeks! Only 7 more weeks to D-Day...but whose counting? I am happy to report that I am still feeling comfortable. I bought a bassinet on Craigslist this week (another great find!). It is too cute....luckly the cat does not find this as exciting as the Pack and Play. Outfits are still arriving occasionally from my newfound Ebay addition. No tennis this weekend. Go BYU...another big football win on Saturday against Wyoming! Good for the Cubbies...for locking in the division. Patrick and I enjoyed a nice a relaxing one. Ventured to Park City on Sunday for a picnic brunch and the Farmer's Market.

32 Weeks!

32 Weeks! I am (or should I say Jack is) getting bigger as you can see. This pink shirt is one of my work favs! Cheryl scoped it out at Target and told me how cute it was...of course I had to have two...one in pink and one in black! I can always count on Cheryl for shopping secrets! At my appointment this week (every 2 weeks now), I measured 32.5 inches and gained quite a bit of weight again (4 pounds)! Everything is still going really well and progressing normally! Thank goodness God is sending good weather to Utah as it has not been as hot as usual and I have not had much swelling trouble. A good old home tennis weekend with the BYU Open!...it is good to be back into the swing of things. A huge BYU home football win on sat against UCLA (59 - 0!!!). Fiesta Bowl here we come.

30 Weeks!

I am officially in my 3rd Trimester....30 weeks down...10 more to go! At my monthly appointment I gained a whopping 7 pounds! Hopefully Jack gained at least half of them! School started at BYU so Patrick has been busy with that getting ready for another good season! I have been buying some cute outfits on Ebay. I also found one of the strollers we wanted on Craigslist for a great deal of course! We have been setting up some of the baby gear to give Nobell some time to explore and adjust. Problem is she just loves the Pack and Play and jumps in it anytime she can! Now that I made my last trip to Chicago for the year...I am Utah bound until D day! Patrick and I went to the Northern Iowa football game on Saturday as well as a volleyball game and a soccer game over the weekend. Go Cougars!