Nolan and Jack

Kristin, Todd and Nolan visited us over the weekend. Kristin and Todd attended a wedding close to us on Saturday, and Nolan stayed with us making it a house with 3 kids under 2! It wasn't too bad as Nolan and Jack kept eachother company and out of trouble! We went to the park, played in the pool in the back yard, watched Yo Gabba Gabba and even both slept in the same room (1st sleep over!). Nolan was such a pleasure! It was really fun to catch up with Kristin and see Todd as well. We even got to throw some wine and brownies in the mix!

Jack and Eloise

The Schuette Clan Comes to Dekalb

Yes, the Schuette clan came to Dekalb for a visit, and it was so much fun. Jack loved Hannah and Erich...especially Hannah because she played with him the entire weekend. Patrick got to play tennis with Willie and Erich, and Zany and I did our share of shopping at the outlets in Aurora. It was a great weekend. We ate some good food, had some great conversation, enjoyed some delicious wine and just had a fabulous time. I am not sure who misses Hannah more....Jack or I??? as she was a tremendous helper and great with both of the kids. The green monster has had a little rest as The Schuette's brought Jack a big toy story book pillow which he loves and has slept with every night since. We will definitely be planning our next get together really soon although this next time I think we will be making the trek to Evansville.

Summer Time Fun Time

We have definitely been enjoying summer. Festivals and fairs. Nights spent out on the back patio. Bonfires topped off with smores. Pool time. Walks in the neighborhood. Weekends in SH. Swinging at the park. Sidewalk chalk drawings on our blacktop driveway. Bike rides. Cold beer with lime and salt. Catching fireflies. Playing tennis with the neighbor boys. Kissing bare baby feet. Just being outside. Just soaking up the fun of summer. Pics from the latest carnival we went to in Kingston. Jack loved the big slide as well as dancing to the band especially when they broke out the bubble machine.

Mommy's Super Hero

Introducting......Happy Jack!!!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Smiles from Miss E

Smiles go all around....Happy E!

Our Little Fish!

Pics from a hotel pool on a recent recruiting trip to Indianapolis on which we tagged along with Daddy! Jack loved staying in the hotel and he loved the pool!

We love Uncle James! It was a great visit....