9 Months and Teething!

Nine months is great. Jack is getting so big. We have his 9 month well baby check so i will post the latest stats then along with some pics...but i swear that he learns something new every single day. He loves clapping, waving, pointing, babbling, spitting, jumping in his jumper, eating and getting into trouble. He is all over now...climbing up on everything. He has learned to climb all the way up our stairs with mama right behind of course. He will follow you around and also play hide and seek. He sings along with many songs now, and knows lots of signs. He has a very infectious laugh that nicely compliments his smile! He nows says 2 words that have meaning...bye bye and bahbah. Big news...he now has 2 teeth...the second came in meaning that the fisher household has not been sleeping through the night for awhile! Teething has been pretty rough for Jack. Mama has completely weaned off the pump, and Jack is now on soy formula which is happy and sad all at the same time... He is eating everything! Tons of finger foods now, and trying lots of table foods. Steamed peas and noodles are his latest favs...oh yeah he loves icecream as that is his mamas summer favorite. He is also learning to share...he will offer you his finger foods, and has even become a bit of a tease. Wednesdays are his favorite week day as that is water day at school (daycare) and he loves the water!