Halloween...First Day Home!!

Hi everyone we all came home today! Jack is adjusting just fine so far...Life is definately different now for all of us, but we sure are having fun! Here are some pictures of Jack...of course Tegan had him dressed up taking this picture with this outfit and another with this costume! As I would have been you can see it really made him mad having to go through all these things. My guess is it won't be the last time his mother makes him do something he doesn't want to do. Anyhow check out the picures talk to everyone soon!!

Update on Jack Fisher 10-29-08

"Jack" is doing great! Here are some more pictures. Tegan is doing awesome... she is up and moving around no problem. Jack is regularly eating now and gaining weight. I can't believe how Tegan has handled things...she has been everything, man she is tough! Hopefully we will be home soon!

Jack is here! October 27, 2008 we are really surprised he decided to come a little early. Well maybe not so early 38 1/2 weeks. Tegan was just awesome through the whole thing. We are so happy it's unexplainable. It's just hard to explain. The baby measured 18 inches and weighted just under 7 pounds. When he came out he really cried, after a little while he labored a little trying to breath come to find out he had a lung infection. So they put him on some Anitbiotics and within hours he was doing great! Everything turned out FANTASTIC!! What else can we say check out the pictures......... The boy is doing great!!!!

Pumpkin Carving!

Yes, yesterday Pat and I embarked on the adventure of pumpkin carving. I should specify that I was the designated gut cleaner and he the carver. I think that he did a fantastic job! And most importantly...we had a lot of fun doing it! The best part of course is seeing them lit for the first time. I tried to share our excitement by taking some pictures. Enjoy!

A Few...Of Our Favorite Things!

Just had to post some pics of a few of our new favorite "Jack" things. First, check out these adorable bibs Aunt Sherry made Jack...now he will have to decide which one he likes better! The next pic displays our monogrammed diaper bag (I stole the idea from Julie...it's too cute...thx) and the adorable bird pillow my Mom made as well as the cuddly soft green blankee that M gave us with Jack's initials. The last pic is a shot of his crib with the very cute fishy mobile and the awesome quilt that Aunt Jan, Laura and Anna made him. Hope you enjoy seeing these as much as we enjoy all of the wonderful things everyone has given us for baby Jack. He will soon appreciate them as much as we do!

37 Weeks!

37 Weeks! 3 more weeks until my due date...if I make it that far! At my appointment this week, I gained another inch and 2 more pounds! Total weight gain now tops 35 pounds! I also learned that little Jack is being stubborn and still is breech. What does this mean for us? Well if he does not turn on his own this week, we will then find out what the doctor recommends. Patrick returned home on Saturday from his trip to Las Vegas. And we won't even mention the BYU football game this week! Some of you probably know why... Well, we have both been very busy with work...but are looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend.

36 Weeks!

36 weeks down...only 4 more until d-day! At my doctor's appointment, I gained 4 more pounds this week, making up for the 0 I gained last week! I keep measuring bigger and bigger as well as you can probably see in the pic. It is definitely time for happy turning thoughts as Jack is still in a breech position, and there is only about a 20% chance he will turn into position on his own at this point. I go back to the dr. for another look one week from today. Patrick returned from the ITA on Thursday just in time for an exciting weekend. Another football game on Saturday ending with another BYU win! Go Cougs! We also got our first snow of the season here...only about a half inch where we live in the valley, but the mountain areas got over a foot! Patrick leaves again in the morning for the Regionals in Vegas, and he will return on Saturday. Thus, I have another week to focus on getting things wrapped up at work! I should mention that the dr. has predicted that I will not go past my due date as I am currently dilated to a 1!

35 Weeks!

Yes, another week has passed...only 5 more until D-day! It has been going by so fast. I did not have a doctor's appointment this week, but now I start going weekly...so it will definitely get busy. Patrick is in Tulsa this week at the ITA All American Tournament with 4 of the guys from the team. Baseball this week...let's skip that topic...as the cubs didn't even show up and the white sox are just hanging on. BYU got another win against Utah State! Another home game this weekend and it's homecoming! It rained all weekend which is fine because at least it brought cooler weather with it so my feet are not swelling as much:) I enjoyed my weekend by myself with a haircut, a couple of movies and a trip to Ikea! Patrick gets home on Thursday....just in time for another fun weekend.