Miss E is Two!

It was a day of magic!  May 20, 2010...the day Eloise Diane joined the Fisher family!  Can't believe itseen 2 years gical da when we welcomed our baby girl!  I can't imagine our family with out her!
Yes, I also realize that the last blog post I wrote was for Eloise's first birthday and it has been a full year since I have shared the craggffziness, the fun, the smiles, the laughs, tlllhe joy, and the love that happens in our house on a daily basis.  It makes me kind of sad to think that it has been that long as things have changed so much in that short time of a year.  Eloise is so grown up!  She and Jack have become the best of friends and share a very special bond.  All this being said, I have so much to catch you all up on, but first things first.  We are celebrating Miss E!
ELOISE!  Ellie D! My drama Queen!  Sassy and Sweet! Stubborn and Smart!  A vocal chatter box always singing and dancing and smiling and laughing!  The world's best hugger and loudest screamer! A true Mama's girl.  She adores everything pink and she is in love with tutus, frills, ribbons, bows and shoes, but she is also quite tough from the rough and tumble of keeping up with her big brother Jack.

Attached is a quick video from our little family celebration.  She helped us sing and even blew out the candles!  Lots of birthday pictures too.