Jack or Eloise

We think that they look so much alike.....we had to post newborn pictures for comparison. Without the blankets as clues....I am not sure that it so easy to tell them apart!

Pictures of Eloise

Bonding with Eloise

The next day in the hospital was spent bonding with Eloise. Mommy and Daddy got to spend all day with her, holding her and cuddling her. Big brother Jack also got to meet his baby sister for the first time. He was not sure what to think. He is learning to love her. He likes giving her kisses as well as her binkie when she is crying. He really doesn't like it when she is crying...it is so sweet. He has tried to make her catch a ball a couple times as well hoping she can play with him! He is doing really well with the big adjustment! He is not so sure about sharing the spotlight quite yet:) It has really helped that Grandma Diane is here for a couple weeks helping out and can give Jack some extra special time. Check out Jack's big brother shirt in the pics. So cute. Having a newborn has made me realize what a big boy Jack is...He has seemed so big and old these last few days!

Eloise Diane Fisher

Yes, she is here! On May 20, 2010 at 8:39, we welcomed our baby girl, Eloise Diane Fisher, weighing in at 7 pounds 6 ounces and 19.5 inches long!

Her birth story is very different from that of Jack's, and I am pretty proud and have to share it. It is a little graphic so feel free to skip to the pics if you want to skip those details.

At my 39 week appointment, my doctor scheduled me for an induction on Sunday, May 23, not wanting me to go past 40 weeks. I was so hoping that she would come on her own before then, and indeed she did! I woke up about an hour after going to bed on Wednesday night at 12:30 AM to contractions. When I woke up, my water also broke! Got up, gathered my things, woke up Patrick and my Mom and off to the hospital we went. When we got to the hospital at about 2:00 AM, I was admitted and hooked up to the wireless monitor and given clearance to walk and access to my birth ball in hopes to keep things progressing. Things were progressing well for the first half of the day until I stalled out at around 9 cm. I was trying to go naturally without the epidural for many reasons. My mom made this a possibility as she coached me through the contractions. Once my progression stalled, I continued to have very strong contractions and got more tired as the day wore on. Early that evening, the doctor gave me 2 choices at this point....have a repeat c-section or start pitocin to augment my labor. I still wanted to avoid another c-section at all costs as long as the baby remained healthy and stable. The plan was to start a low dose of pitocin once my doctor made it to the hospital after seeing his patients for the day. I decided with pitocin in my near future...that I needed the epi. I got it at around 6 PM. Unfortunately, I had to get 2 because the 1st didn't take. This process was probably the most painful part of the entire day as I was having very strong contractions and it was extremely difficult to sit still. I was hoping to rest for an hour before the pit but not my luck. The epi took the edge off...but I was still in a lot of pain. At this point, I was exhausted and struggled to find my focus and get ahead of the pain. Doctor started pit at around 7 PM. A half hour later I was really struggling feeling like it was time to give up as I didn't think I could do it any longer. It was at that point that I accepted the real possibility of another section. Doctor checked me, and to my surprise I was complete, and baby was low and it was time to PUSH! The rest was easy....I was on top of the world....a real high that it is indescribable. After about an hour of pushing...she was here! I got my dream. A healthy baby girl delivered naturally. We went home the very next day and the recovery has been amazingly good!

I have so many people to thank. First of all, with out Patrick and my mom....I defintely could not have acheived this. Patrick provided the support I needed, and wouldn't let me give up in the end...encouraging me to keep fighting. My mom coached me throughout the entire 18 hour labor helping me keep my focus and get through each and every contraction. I didn't realize how important this would be, and she definitely stepped up to this challenge...not only being my loving mother but a faithful birth doula! I also have to thank Jeff for being a great grandpa and making sure Jack was taken care of and loved that day! And so many other family members and friends that were praying and thinking of us throughut that day. Thank you to each and everyone of you for the personal support you provided me that day! I will never forget May 20, 2010!

39 Weeks!

Yes...I can't believe it....39 weeks and still pregnant... Waiting patientely to meet baby girl....at least trying to be patient!

Tennis Party

What a year this has been! So many changes for the Fisher Family....a big move across country, a new job for Patrick, a new house, a new town and a new baby...

Same can be said for NIU tennis...so many changes...but it has been a great year. It has been fun getting to know all the guys. It is a young team and it has been fun watching them adjust and get stronger and tougher each match. We celebrated the season with an end of the year party at our house this week. We recognized the 2 seniors on the team as well as the superior scholars. We also honored one of the freshman whom was recogized as newcomer of the year in the MAC Conference.

False Alarm

This pregnancy has definitely been different from my pregnacy with Jack, and baby girl is keeping me on my toes. I have been surviving the last few months of pregnancy while chasing after a very busy toddler! I feel much more pegnant this time. Tired, cranky, sore, sick of acid reflux and heartburn. I have been feeling braxton hicks and random contractions for months. Now I am counting down the days to baby girl's arrival....17 more days until my due date. Jack arrived 13 days early which would mean 4 more days if this little girl follows suit...I highly doubt that though. Last Thursday, after visiting my dr. in the early morning for monitoring...I was sent over to the hospital for a follow-up ultrasound. The ultrasound turned out good....but I magically started contracting. So the next stop was upstairs in Labor & Delivery for more monitoring. Turned into an entire day of monitoring and many contractions. For most of the day they were minutes apart and getting pretty painful. Guess they were just practice...because they were not making me progress at all. That was ok...because Patrick was out of state at conference tournament...so it is really good that baby girl decided to hang out for a while longer before making her grand appearance. Luckily, my Mom and Jeff came to stay with me while Patrick was gone....so I was not alone during this adventure and Jack was with Grandpa. So now the count down is on for the real thing. Come on baby girl....we can't wait to meet you!

18 Months!

I can't believe it....Jack is 18 months! At his checkup...we learned that he recently hit the big 20 pound milestone and is 31 inches tall! He a healthy boy! Strong and limber, a natural climber! He is learning lots of new words. His favorite new words are Papa and Birdie. He loves singing, dancing, clapping, climbing, balls, racquets, bats, any sport on tv, Yo Gabba Gabba, fruit snacks, drinking from a straw, opening/locking doors, his binkie, his green monster, reading books, shoes, and other kids. We are hoping he also likes babies, especially his baby sister! He is learning to listen to Mommy and Daddy and enjoys testing us! He is also craving independence and showing more range of emotion. He is a very sweet boy who still hasn't had a hair cut. He stays out of trouble as long as you keep him busy. And he definitely keeps us busy. He is getting so big so fast!


We took Jack to a small carnival in Dekalb. He was able to do a couple of fun slides and the merry-go-round....all of which he enjoyed side by side with his partner in crime...Daddy! So many smiles. Making everyday memories!

Park Days

We are absolutely loving the warmer weather and all the fun activities that come with it: going for walks, playing at the park, watching the birds in our backyard, playing ball with the neighbor boys, grilling, throwing bags....
We have been taking walks every day before dinner. Sometimes we stop in the park in our neighborhood and let Jack burn some of his energy. He loves the park! As you can tell he also still loves balls...and on this particular day he carried his ball through the entire wooden structure. He is getting very independent and doesn't want Mommy's help at all. He also has quite a bit of fun on the swings. He is very social and loves playing with other kids no matter their age.

He also loves playing ball with the neighbor boys. He is starting to use his racquet and try and hit the tennis balls. Way too cute. He stays out of trouble as long as he stays busy! 100% boy!