Jack loves Grandma Diane's Cookies!

Jack's First Basketball Game!!

Happy New Year!

2009 brought us many many blessings. Special times with family and friends, a new coaching job for Patrick, our move back to Illinois, our first taste of home ownership and a second baby expected. We got to watch our baby boy develop his own personality and acheive all the firsts growing from a beautiful baby to a happy toddler! May 2010 bring as many blessings as 2009! Happy New Year from the Fisher Family!


We had a really nice Christmas. It started early on Wednesday when Jack got to open all of the gifts we have received in the mail from Pawpaw & Grandma C, NaNa & PaPa Reist, Tata & Grandma, Uncle James & Aunt Ronna and Grandma Meribeth. Jack loved unwrapping all of the gifts. He was a little overwhelmed as there were a lot of presents. Thanks to everyone for the great toys. It will take a couple of weeks to learn them all...lots of fun stuff. And of course some really cute outfits too...and a special ornament! Jack also got to take his first ride on the electric four wheeler Mom and Dad bought for him. We headed to Michigan on Wednesday afternoon. Thursday was spent with Grandma Diane & Grandpa Jeff. We went to candlelight Christmas Eve service in the evening and exchanged our gifts after that. Jack definitely had the hang of it by then although it was way past his bedtime! He got a homemade snowman kit from Grandma that we can't wait to use later this week. We went to Christmas service on Friday and had a good old ham dinner in the afternoon. Jack really enjoyed the ham! Saturday was the Heuermann Christmas and Sunday was the Landry party. Monday involved lots of resting and naps for all as recovering was necessary from all of the fun parties! We rounded out the trip with brunch with Cheryl and Andy when they arrived in town before we left for home today (Wednesday). In the midst of it all....Jack struggled to keep his schedule and fought his naps:) and became an expert walker and now prefers it to crawling. We had a great time seeing family and friends. We have the rest of the week off...and are looking forward to getting Jack back in his routine and resting before the craziness of the new year hits next week! Here are some pics from the week. Christmas blessings to all!

Boy or Girl???

Your guess is as good as ours...because the baby decided to keep us guessing! The u/s went well and the baby is growing and developing well. The baby is in breech position, and they could not get a good look at the little baby's bum. So Jack will have to wait to find out if he is having a sister or brother!

Jack is Walking!!!

Jack has been taking 2 steps or so for a couple weeks...today he just started taking more and more. Check out a video of him walking his new kitty cat from Meribeth!

Countdown to Xmas!!

Well the christmas cards are mailed, the shopping complete and the wrapping done! My house is half cleaned....all and all a pretty productive week. Still have to finish cleaning and packing for our trip to Michigan before we leave on Wednesday. Only 2 more work days for me and things should quiet down as well for Pat with all the students home for the holidays! I am 18 weeks today and only have 3 more days of guessing before we find out if Jack will have a brother or a sister. I was sure it was a boy all along...but now am thinking that it might be a girl for the last week or so. I will be happy either way of course...so excited to find out. A great Christmas present for me! Excited for Christmas and our trip to Michigan. It will sure be fun seeing family and friends over the holiday. Here are some pics from the week.

Jack and Roadie Dog

Jack just loved Tata's doggie...

Laughing with Santa

Thanks to Pawpaw and Grandma C....Jack now has someone to laugh with....

Christmas Dancing!!!

Jack loves to dance...couldn't help posting another video of him dance. Please ignore my terrible singing. It is just too cute.

Christmas Decorating and Santa!!

I decorated our fireplace mantle today and had to take a picture. But more importantly, we went to downtown Naperville this evening. We got to visit with Santa which was really fun. We also to wenting shopping at a few stores...and best of all we got to eat sushi. Jack got to eat some sushi rolls for the first time and he loved them! All and all it was a really fun family night! Here are some pics from our Santa visit...


Winter is definitely here...so we might as well enjoy the snow!!! Jack loves it!!!

Sunny AZ for Thanksgiving Weekend

This post has been really delayed...but we had a fabulous time in AZ over Thanksgiving weekend. It was over 80* and sunny! We all wore shorts and loved taking walks and hanging out outside during the nice weather! It was so nice to see everyone! Grandma cooked us a good thanksgiving dinner and everyone came over for the party! Jack absolutely loved the 2 doggies (Tata's and Uncle Biz's). I will have to post a video of Jack and the dogs later. Jack loved playing with the other little ones...Cynthia and Marquel, and he loved playing with their toys. I played Wii for the first time with Kimberly and have to admit it was tons of fun! Here are some pics.

Only 11 More Days of Guessing!

Counting down the days until we find out the gender of the baby. We are so excited. We have been talking a lot about names hoping to decide on both a girl's and a boy's name before we find out next Wednesday. My guess is a boy...and Patrick's guess is a girl. I don't think Jack has a guess as he hasn't yet figured out what is coming and how things are changing. So we shall see...definitely a great blessing for the Fisher Family either way. I wanted to post some early u/s pics of fish #2. I also will post my first belly shot which is from a couple weeks ago. I am starting to show depending on what I am wearing. But I am still fitting into my jeans! :)

u/s at 7 weeks
u/s at 12 weeks
Belly pic at 14 weeks

*****************Another Little Fish is Expected!!

For those of you who have not already heard....The Fisher Family is excited to announce that we are expecting another little fish to join us in May 2010.

Jack is going to be a big brother! We are really excited and can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl! We have just 3 more weeks to guess until the big appointment where we will know for sure! 2009 has been one crazy and busy year for our family. So many new blessings!!! We are so thankful!!

Dancing Around His House!

This video is too cute...still learning how to use my flip ultra. Sorry about the bad angles...the dancing is adorable. Excuse my laughing.

Eating and Animal Noises

This is a video from a couple weeks ago of Jack eating and making animal noises. He loves to eat...and he now eats everything and anything...and lots of it. He also loves animals and is mastering many animal noises. Me-ow is still his fav and he shares Me-ows throughout each day!

Jack's One Year Pics!!

We had Jack's one year pics done today....they turned out so cute! He did great and really had a lot of fun for the camera as usual. Take a look although I will warn you that there are a lot of pics!