Dancing Around His House!

This video is too cute...still learning how to use my flip ultra. Sorry about the bad angles...the dancing is adorable. Excuse my laughing.

Eating and Animal Noises

This is a video from a couple weeks ago of Jack eating and making animal noises. He loves to eat...and he now eats everything and anything...and lots of it. He also loves animals and is mastering many animal noises. Me-ow is still his fav and he shares Me-ows throughout each day!

Jack's One Year Pics!!

We had Jack's one year pics done today....they turned out so cute! He did great and really had a lot of fun for the camera as usual. Take a look although I will warn you that there are a lot of pics!

Enjoying Fall In Our New Backyard!!

It was a beautiful weekend...well deserved after all the rainy and cold weather lately. We really enjoyed being outside. Unpacked a lot of stuff on Saturday thanks to the fabulous help I had! Relaxed and enjoyed the weather on Sunday. We also went to the NIU football game on Thursday night, and Jack really enjoyed it....he loved the band at halftime! We watched the second half on tv since it was past Jack's bedtime and getting pretty cold out. All and all it was a fun weekend! Had to post some pictures before I started gearing up for the the new week. Jack also got several more bday cards tanks to Papaw and Grandma C, Tata and Grandma, CJ and Bertha and the gang. He is definitely going to have fun shopping for some new things! Starting to get things settled and feel more and more like home! BTW, Jack wore a really cute outfit that says lumberjack on it that NaNa Reist and Grandma Meribeth got him. He has so many cute outfits thanks to all of his special shoppers!

Jack showing off his sweatsuit from Tata and Grandma

More fun weekend pics and bday presents!

Look at Jack open his bday gifts from NaNa and PaPa Reist....he absolutely loves his phone and his guitar...has been playing with them nonstop from when he opened them! Thanks you NaNa and PaPa Reist!

Wearing Daddy's hat with Papa Herm...

Opening a bday gift with Nana Esther...

Eating an apple with Grandma Diane...so sweet! I love these pics!


Yes...I am crazy and brought several costumes on Ebay...3 to be exact...so I thought I would share pics of 2 of them. He was the fish on halloween...and he didn't really like either costume...just put up with them for mommy! It was a fun day! We went trick-or-treating at the Freeman's, Grandpa and Grandma Landry's and Nana and Papa Heuermann's.